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Creating your own Christmas Traditions

Leanne Ammon

Christmas is a time where diaries, houses and bellies become fuller than at any other time of the year. Some find this busy-ness exactly what makes Christmas the fun and festive time that it is. Others may find the expectation to do more, host more and socialise more takes a little something away from the Christmas they wish for. This is where personalising your Christmas can help. Creating your own family traditions can bring a sense of structure and anticipation to an otherwise very busy time.

Christmas Eve – I know lots of families like to make Christmas Eve a very traditional day in the sense that it is a day for baking gingerbread men or Christmas cookies and assembling the plate for Father Christmas and Rudolph. Whether you make Christmas eve boxes or not, you can still put on some cosy pjs and socks, have some hot chocolate and watch a Christmas film together in the evening. These are all traditions we can create to make the run up to Christmas memorable.

Christmas Morning – plan to do something you can repeat every Christmas morning so that you and your children can make memories. Someone I know prints out a letter from Father Christmas for each of her children, ties them up into scrolls and hangs them from their bedroom door handles for them to find on Christmas morning. This is now something they look forward to every Christmas.

Christmas Breakfast – Have a special family breakfast together with your favourite breakfast time foods. Whether it’s a cooked breakfast with everybody at the table or tea and toast in front of the tree, enjoying this time together every Christmas morning will become something everyone looks forward to.

Christmas Day walk – perhaps a family walk at some point before or after Christmas dinner could become part of your routine. It breaks the day up and gives everyone some fresh air and exercise before coming home to feast on more festive treats.

Family Games – Christmas night wouldn’t be the same without a silly game or two! Choose a few firm family favourites – charades or Who Am I don’t cost anything and are both great fun! – and play them before bedtime to make special memories for everyone.

So whether you are excited or daunted by Christmas, if you make space for your own family traditions, Christmas can begin to look a little more how you’d like it to.

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