You see them each time you drop your little one to nursery or preschool. They know your child inside and out but how well do you know your child’s nursery teacher? We got some of our team to answer a few questions to help you get to know them better, let’s find out…
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - Being outside, Freedom to express creativity
2) Favourite colour - Orange or Purple depending on the day and mood
3) What do you do in your spare time - Go running and get up to crazy adventures with my son
4) Best thing about working with children - The joy in them discovering and achieving new things
5) Toughest thing about working with children - Not having more than 1 pair of hands
6) Bravest thing you've done - Rescued a man from a river
7) What would you be famous for - Marathon running
8) One song - Run and go (21 pilots)
9) What do you do to relax - I only relax when I'm sleeping
10)Which celebrity would play you in a movie - Roisin Conaty
11)You know it's a good day at work when..You go home with paint and wood chips in your hair
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - The team is like a family
2) Favourite colour - Yellow
3) What do you do in your spare Time - Buy spiders, insects and creepy crawlies
4) Best thing about working with children - The brutally honest answers and the funny questions
5) Toughest thing about working with children - Seeing them leave for school
6) Bravest thing you've done - Deciding to sky dive for my 30th!
7) What would you be famous for - Being the crazy insect lady
8) One song - Cover me in sunshine (pink)
9) What do you do to relax - Buy more spiders!
10)Which celebrity would play you in a movie - Melissa McCarthy
11)You know it's a good day at work when..
When the children come to forest school with happy smiling faces, telling me about things that they are exited and happy about xx
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - Our amazing team, the laughter, and daily support making working life enjoyable
2) Favourite colour - teal blue
3)What do you do in your spare time - get crafty, organise and spend time with family
4) Best thing about working with children - watching them reach milestones, first words, walking etc
5) Toughest thing about working with children - can be fairly exhausting and loud
6) Bravest thing you've done - leave my ex husband and have 2 children without pain relief
7) What would you be famous for - Drawing/Art
8) One song - Jessie Reyez - figures
9) What do you do to relax - Doodle, netflix and chill
10)Which celebrity would play you in a movie - Scarlett Johansson or Bridget Jones
11)You know it's a good day at work when....
The sun is shining, lunch is almost ready and all the babies self soothe to sleep
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - Being with the children and getting to see them grow
2) Favourite colour - Light blue
3) what do you do in your spare Time - Swimming, Gaming, sing, procrastinate, worry, enjoy arts and crafts
4) Best thing about working with children - I get to be a big kid and they don't judge you
5) Toughest thing about working with children - Settling in new children
6) Bravest thing you've done - Learning to drive
7) What would you be famous for - The most clumsy woman
8) One song - 'All I ask' by Adele
9) What do you do to relax - Swim
10)which celebrity would play you in a movie - Amy Schumer
11)you know it's a good day at work when..I haven't experienced any road rage on the way to work
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - The girls I work with
2) Favourite colour - Purple
3) what do you do in your spare Time - What spare time! I have 2 children!
4) Best thing about working with children - Being a child myself, watching them achieve new milestones
5) Toughest thing about working with children - Not always knowing what the babies want/need when they are sad (just a cuddle usually)
6) Bravest thing you've done - Going outside, I hate bugs!
7) What would you be famous for - Being a Ginger
8) One song - Anything craig David
9) What do you do to relax - I don't relax
10)which celebrity would play you in a movie - Bianca Butcher
11)you know it's a good day at work when...- Everyone is smiling
1) Favourite things about working at Toddlers Inn - The range of opportunities and large spaces
2) Favourite colour - White/Grey
3) what do you do in your spare Time - Online shopping with money I dont have
4) Best thing about working with children - Seeing their personalities develop, having lots of mini best friends
5) Toughest thing about working with children - The long hours but rewarding
6) What would you be famous for - I would be a comedian
7) One song - Wrecking ball
8) What do you do to relax - Go on holiday
9)which celebrity would play you in a movie - Angelina Jolie
10)you know it's a good day at work when...Ellie arrives to sing with everyone
We hope you enjoyed getting to know the staff here at Toddlers Inn and we bet you didn’t know all that about them!
About Us:
We know that choosing a nursery is a big decision and here at Toddlers Inn, after years of experience, we think we understand what is important to both parents and children. We realise the demands and pressures parents have in their lives and we therefore offer many different, flexible sessions to suit every parent's needs. Whether you are applying for a funded or self-funding place, or have vouchers from work, we will always endeavour to find what works best for you.
Visit our website at www.toddlersinnnursery.co.uk
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