Christmas seems a long way behind us now. And with the cold days seeming to stretch out ahead it’s easy to feel our mood dipping along with the temperatures. The good news is that there are lots of things we can do to keep ourselves uplifted while we wait for the warmth of Spring to arrive.

Walking in nature has been proven to lift our spirits and make us feel happier. Connecting with nature not only boosts our mood but is also a great stress reliever too. Make it a mindful walk by noticing any buds or shoots that may be growing, listen to the sound of the birds, and breathe in the fresh air.

Make the most of the cold weather by enjoying a tasty hot chocolate when you are home from your walk. Include all the toppings that you like to feel extra decadent!

While the days are still short, cosy up together with a favourite film and enjoy family movie nights. Snuggle up with blankets, have your favourite film snacks to hand and forget about the cold while you have fun catching up on all your favourites.

There’s something quite therapeutic about clearing out the old to make space for the new. With this in mind, this is a perfect time to get the garden ready for spring. Spend an afternoon emptying pots, clearing up leaves and tidying up the shed. Then you can have fun planning what flowers you want to plant and where.

Have a pre-spring clean. Who says you need to wait until spring to have a declutter and a spruce up? Put your favourite music on and spend a couple of hours clearing out the kitchen cupboards, the cupboard under the stairs or the wardrobes. Or Is there a room in the house that needs some attention or a little TLC? The cold weather is a perfect time to start a project you’ve been putting off and to tackle those indoor jobs on your to do list.
February may still bring the cold but it doesn’t mean we can’t feel uplifted while we wait for the warmer weather. Sometimes it’s good to remember that we can create our own sunshine until the real thing comes along!
About Us:
We know that choosing a nursery is a big decision and here at Toddlers Inn, after years of experience, we think we understand what is important to both parents and children. We realise the demands and pressures parents have in their lives and we therefore offer many different, flexible sessions to suit every parent's needs. Whether you are applying for a funded or self-funding place, or have vouchers from work, we will always endeavour to find what works best for you.
Visit our website at www.toddlersinnnursery.co.uk
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